About the Author
Laury Silvers is a North American Muslim of Southern and New Yorker cultural origin, finally at home in Canada. She’s known for her questionable decisions in life, willing to do just about anything to see how it plays out. Training for indie pro-wrestling ended in one small, yet spectacular, show, but jumping off a cliff to take a graduate study offer with William Chittick ended in a doctorate and her first salaried job at 37. Her research and publications as a historian of religion focused on early Islam, early Sufism, and early pious and Sufi women. She taught at Skidmore College and the University of Toronto. Silvers also published work engaging Islam and Gender in North America in academic journals and popular venues, was actively involved in the woman-led prayer movement, and co-founded the Toronto Unity Mosque. She has since retired from academia and activism and hopes her novels continue her scholarship and activism in their own way. She lives in Toronto under Treaty 13.
Contact Me
It is easiest to find me on social media. Please click the social media buttons. But you can email me contact dot silvers at gmail dot com.